Thank you for visiting us here at Planted and Picked. We hope that we’re able to share with you our passion for delicious and nutritious plant-based food and our journey for including more mindfulness in our everyday lives.
We both grew up eating a standard diet for our generation, which included meals of meat or fish and potatoes, some vegetables and lots of convenience foods such as canned spaghetti, hamburgers and boxed mac n’cheese. Somewhere along the way, through education, being in tune with how our bodies felt, watching loads of documentaries and reading hundreds of books (not an exaggeration!), it became apparent that incorporating a more healthy plant-based diet and lifestyle is one of the keys to living an active and healthy life.
We didn’t fully adopt this lifestyle until we were in our 40’s and it’s constantly evolving as we learn more. We’ve spent a lot of time and energy building plant-based staple foods and meals that not only nourish our bodies, but that taste good and are satisfying as well. We aim to eat foods that are organically grown, preferably local when possible, and strive to minimize our environmental footprint. The recipes we share here are ones that we’ve tested, honed and eat in our everyday life.
It has never been an easier time to adopt this lifestyle! There are so many plant-based products introduced to the market every day and these are becoming more accessible even in the smallest towns. As an example, plant-based ‘milks’ now occupy more space in some grocery stores than dairy milk!
This blog is our way to share what we’ve learned and continue to learn, in order to support you to incorporate more plant-rich foods into your life. When we share with each other, we feel a sense of community and strength. Be well.
♥ Sandra and Scott

I decided to go back to school to study nutrition in my early 40’s and it’s become a passion to say the least. I had always been conscious of trying to reduce the suffering of animals and even when I ate meat, I chose meat from local farms and avoided factory farming. As I studied, I learned more about the benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet for my health and also the health of the planet and focused more on how to incorporate more whole foods and LOTS of plants in my diet.
I became a Certified Holistic Nutritionist, graduating from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition (where I currently teach part-time), have a certificate from the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, am a Certified Academy of Culinary Nutrition Instructor and obtained certificates in Vegan Nutrition and Hormones and Endocrinology. I have also completed my 200 hour yoga teacher certification, am a certified Yoga Health Coach and have 3 certifications (so far!) as an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
I love to constantly continue to learn about this lifestyle and share it with others. As such, I am currently continuing my studies with Divya Alter in Ayurveda Nutrition and Culinary Training. My studies and practice continue to teach me how to incorporate simple, ancient wisdom into everyday life. I love to teach, provide culinary workshops, develop healthy recipes and counsel women on how to balance their bodies and lives. Keep following your passions as you never know where they may lead you!
I’m the photographer here at and I also take care of all of the technical side of our site. I’ve always been my happiest as a creative and I believe that food that is visually appealing has a head start to satisfying our palate. I really find joy in the process of creating something that touches others in some way. Foods that are nutritious and are visually appealing and playful on the palate complete my mealtime trinity so to speak. It’s so important the we enjoy food and allow our mealtimes to bring us together. My journey into whole foods plant-based eating began with a desire to eat cleanly, because that is when I feel my best and my strongest, both physically and mentally. I began running long distances before my 50th birthday when, like some others, I vowed to run my first marathon. Fuelling long-distance running requires training discipline, but nutrition is so important to maintaining endurance. When I eat well, I feel great and I run further, faster and more consistently. I have now run nine marathons on plant power!